35 Best Tips for Camping with Kids

Camping with kids can be so much fun and so filled with challenges. To help you enjoy the great outdoors with more fun and less fuss, these tips will totally help!

Make sure your tent


is big enough for everyone to comfortably sleep. (Put it on the lawn and get everyone inside before you go to make sure!)

Have a specific destination in mind


to reduce the variables that are life with kids. This can also help older kids understand why they have to keep walking (or driving).

Plan and prep any meals ahead.


Make lists and check them twice! Check out the full post for snack and meal ideas!

Get a good hiking backpack,


whether purchased or borrowed, if you plan to carry your toddler We love this basic Kelty one.

Let the kids take the lead


when hiking so they can set the pace. This works well for littles who like to be in charge!

Let the kids stay up later


and have a family bedtime. (Getting them to sleep while it’s light out and you’re still awake probably won’t happen!)

Have a dedicated sleeping bag


or surface for everyone. (We didn’t pack one for our toddler once and I had to share…it was awful.)

35 Best Tips for Camping with Kids

Click the link below to see even more ideas, tips and activities to make camping the best time!