This homemade Fruit Snacks recipe (which some call fruit gummies) have fruits and veggies, are easy to make, and taste super yummy. They even have protein and are soft enough for toddlers to safely chew. They’re a seriously fun snack!

fruit snacks in blue bowls.

Raise your hand if your kiddo loves fruit snacks! Mine sure does! We usually save the store-bought ones for family road trips or holidays because I like to make them at home when we’re needing a little something special.

This homemade fruit snacks recipe is made similarly to how you’d make Jell-O with dissolving gelatin and other ingredients stirred together. It’s very easy and you can adjust the sweetness according to what your kids prefer. I’m showing you how to make these using real fruit and veggies including strawberries and carrots—this is our favorite flavor combo—but you can try out a few flavor combinations I suggest below, too.

Call them fruit snacks or call them fruit gummies, but either way, this easy snack to make at home (or dessert, depending on the day) is nutritious and really easy for little ones to eat. They are firm enough for little hands to hold and yet soft enough for even young eaters to enjoy. They’re convenient since you can make them ahead and pull them out for snacks whenever you need them, and they stay fresh for weeks in the fridge.

(You may also like Graham Crackers recipes, Animal Crackers, Yogurt Drinks, and Mini Chocolate Chip Muffins.)

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Ingredients You Need

Here’s a look at the ingredients you need to make this homemade fruit snacks recipe so you know what you need to have on hand from the store.

Ingredients for fruit snacks.
  • Strawberries: You can use fresh strawberries or thawed frozen ones according to what you have access to or prefer. Or use Strawberry Puree or another fruit puree.
  • Carrots: I used no-salt-added canned carrots here to save the step of cooking, but any plain, unseasoned carrots will work once steamed or boiled. (You could also use Carrot Puree or another plain cooked vegetables option like cauliflower or beets.)
  • Water or apple juice: Either one of these work to help the homemade fruit snacks fruit mixture blend. If you use apple juice, the gummies will be slightly sweeter.
  • Honey or maple syrup: I like to add a little sweetener to ensure the fruit snacks taste sweet. You can use either of these, though always avoid honey for kids under age 1.
  • Unflavored gelatin: Use your preferred type of unflavored gelatin here to help the fruit gummies have structure and shape.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Here’s a preview of how to make this homemade fruit snacks recipe so you know what to expect from the process. Scroll down to the end of the post for the full information, including the amounts and timing.

how to make fruit snacks step by step grid of images.
  1. Add the berries and carrots to a blender.
  2. Puree smooth.
  3. Add the berry mixture to a small pot or small saucepan set over low heat. Bring to a simmer.
  4. Dissolve the gelatin powder. Whisk into the fruit mixture. Add to the mold and set.
gummy bear mold for homemade fruit snacks on baking tray.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main ingredient in fruit snacks?

The main ingredient in this homemade fruit snacks recipe is fruit and vegetables.

How long do homemade fruit gummies last?

You can store these for about two weeks in the fridge in an airtight container.

What other fruits can you use?

You can try peaches, grapes, pineapple, oranges, or any other moisture-rich fruit that blends easily.

How to Store

Store homemade fruit snacks recipe in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. They hold their shape fine at room temperature and aren’t sticky, but they will stay freshest stored in the fridge in a container.

Fruit snacks coming out of mold.

Best Tips for Success

  • Use fresh or thawed frozen berries and cooked or canned carrots according to what you prefer.
  • Fully dissolve the gelatin in the liquid before stirring into the fruit mixture to ensure there are no clumps and the homemade fruit snacks recipe sets up properly.
  • Sweeten the fruit snacks a little with maple syrup or honey (for kids over age 1).
  • Trade in another berry if you prefer. Note that berries with seeds, such as raspberries or blackberries, may have a seedy texture. You can strain the puree through a fine-mesh strainer to make a smooth gummy. Or try using mango in place of the strawberries.
  • I have many more kids food favorites, so check them out!

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fruit snacks in blue bowls

Easy Fruit Snacks (Gummies)

These Fruit Snacks (sometimes called gummies) have fruits and veggies and are so easy to make. They have a fruit-forward flavor, lots of protein, and are soft enough for toddlers to safely chew. Plus: They store so well!
5 from 18 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 8 minutes
Cooling Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 18 minutes
Cuisine American
Course Snack
Calories 45kcal
Servings 6


  • 1 cup strawberries
  • ¼ cup carrots (canned and drained; or cooked until soft and cooled)
  • ½ cup water (or apple juice)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (or maple syrup)
  • 6 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
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  • Add the berries, carrots, and water or juice to a blender. Puree smooth.
  • Add the berry mixture to a small pot set over low heat. Add the honey or maple syrup. Bring to a simmer.
  • (Plan to do this step and the next one quickly.) Add the gelatin to a bowl with ⅓ cup cold water. Stir well to completely dissolve the gelatin to ensure the fruit snacks are lump-free.
  • Working quickly, whisk the gelatin mixture into the simmering fruit mixture to thoroughly combine. Whisk constantly for a minute or two as the mixture starts to thicken. Turn off the heat.
  • (Alternatively, you can sprinkle the gelatin right over the simmering fruit and whisk vigorously to combine. Omit the water if you do that. Know you may have some small clumps of gelatin.)
  • Portion out into a silicone gummy bear mold (or other silicone mold) set on a small baking tray (which is more stable than the mold on its own). Refrigerate for at least an hour and up to overnight to set up.
  • Remove from the mold to serve.


    • Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
    • Use fresh or thawed frozen berries and cooked or canned carrots according to what you prefer.
    • Fully dissolve the gelatin in the liquid before stirring into the fruit mixture to ensure there are no clumps and the gummies set up properly. This step needs to be done quickly and immediately added to the simmering fruit mixture. If you put the bowl of dissolved gelatin down and step away from it, it will start to solidify.
    • Trade in another berry if you prefer. Note that berries with seeds, such as raspberries or blackberries, may have a seedy texture. You can strain the puree through a fine-mesh strainer to make a smooth gummy. Or use mango for the strawberries.


Calories: 45kcal, Carbohydrates: 8g, Protein: 4g, Fat: 0.1g, Saturated Fat: 0.01g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.04g, Monounsaturated Fat: 0.01g, Sodium: 13mg, Potassium: 58mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 7g, Vitamin A: 894IU, Vitamin C: 14mg, Calcium: 9mg, Iron: 0.2mg
Tried this recipe?Rate in the comments and tag @yummytoddlerfood on IG!

This recipe was first posted August 2015.

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5 from 18 votes (12 ratings without comment)

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  1. 5 stars
    We made these gummies and they are so fun and tasty! The only difficulty we had, is I had a hard time getting them out of the mold. I’m wondering if we need to add more gelatin next time – should they just pop out? Mine sometimes broke in half or partially stuck to the mold. Did you grease your silicone mold at all?

    1. I didn’t spray the molds but you could either do that lightly with nonstick spray or use a smidge more gelatin. Either should help with this!

  2. I think I followed all the instructions right but they turned out more like jello (or the old jello jigglers) than gummies. any suggestions for what I did wrong? I have two theories: 1. I missed the part about cooking the carrots and thawing the strawberries first. I just blended them all up. 🙁 2. Because of that the, it took a while to get them smooth and I added a bit more water/juice than suggested. Thinking maybe it was that second one?

    1. 5 stars
      So I got the taste down, but it doesn’t come out of the mold in one piece, it’s VERY sticky almost like it didn’t set all the way. I am using silicone molds, any advice?

  3. My gelatin started to solidfy before I got it into my bwrry mixture. I still added it and I have it in molds now in the fridge. Should I restart ? Will it not work now?

  4. If I have way more mixture than I do molds, can I reheat the mix once first batch is done to make more or is the extra trashed now?

    1. If you have more mixture than molds, you can add the extra mixture to an 8×8-inch pan and simply cut into squares.

  5. Hi, I follow the recipe, including dissolving the gelatin in 1/3 cup of water (so total 200 ml water). The gummies turn good in texture but I thought they didn’t have much flavor. Would this have been too much water and should I try sprinkling the gelatin next time instead?
    Also, would it be possible to use store bought fruit pure and any suggestion on proportions and adjustments?

    1. You could try the apple juice option next time? I haven’t done it with store bought puree but you could experiment!

  6. 5 stars
    These turned out great! Was trying to find a solid way for my toddler to eat yogurt- and there are perfect! Recipe was easy (I did 3tbsp natural gelatin- maybe a little too much?) and my kid loves them!

  7. 5 stars
    So I jus made these and I kind of messed up and did 2.5 tbspn rather then the 2.5 tbspn so then I jus added more milk to the pan and then doubled everything else but they turned out jus fine otherwise!

    1. I’ve never frozen something with gelatin so I’m not sure but my gut would be to say it’s probably better not to freeze them!

  8. Hi there, please can you tell me how much is in a packet of gelatin? I’m in South Africa, i’m sure our packets may not be the same as yours. Tnx in advance.